Bill Pike water & reflections

water n.
a colourless, odourless liquid

Yet water, particularly a water surface, has so many wonderful effects which are often taken for granted, or not even noticed, by those whose very existence depends on it in everyday life...

For enquiries (including prices and availability) please contact Bill Pike

Bill Pike lives and works in Berkshire, England.

The images on this site have been produced by scanning 35mm transparencies using a slide scanner. The colours and quality of the images may not therefore be representative of the original paintings.

The Upper Reaches in December

The Upper Reaches in December

Size: 0.61m x 0.41m  Medium: Oils on canvas  

Mar 2021  

The old restaurant looking rather deserted and abandoned to the elements amid leafless trees in December 2019, just before the COVID-19 emergency. The gold lettering of its name still reflects brightly in the fast-flowing River Thames, however. See also No. 369.

The Upper Reaches in December (map)