water n.
a colourless, odourless liquid
Yet water, particularly a water surface, has so many wonderful effects which are often taken for granted, or not even noticed, by those whose very existence depends on it in everyday life...
For enquiries (including prices and availability) please contact Bill Pike
Bill Pike lives and works in Berkshire, England.
The images on this site have been produced by scanning 35mm transparencies using a slide scanner. The colours and quality of the images may not therefore be representative of the original paintings.
Size: 0.39 x 0.71 Medium: 21-colour, 19-screen silkscreen print (serigraph) on "RIVES BFK" acid-free rag
Feb to Jun 1981
The mysterious disappearance of a swimming bird, which just leaves its wake in False Creek, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. It was the artist's first experience of crystal-clear Arctic air, and being able to see the Coast Mountains in Vancouver for the first time after six days of cloud and rain.
There are just three copies remaining here with me in England, Nos. 163/170, 165/170, and 167/170, but I am saving these last three copies for any old friends who might remember me producing them in Canada.